Thursday, September 11, 2008

Two Simple Ways to Promote the Fun!

One of the great rewards of your direct sales business is all the fun travel you get. Think about it...leadership retreats, conferences, incentive trips... There's a lot of fun travel you can gain through your business. Promote this fun side of the business by collecting postcards of each destination you experience, even each fun hotel you've stayed in or tourist attraction you've seen. Use a paper hole punch in the upper corner of each card and put them all together on a ring. Then take this prop to your shows to put on the coffee table or at your closing table for guests to look through. You now have the opportunity to talk about this fun perk in the business. Women come into direct sales for all sorts of reasons, so promote the fun travel you do.

Haven't taken any trips yet? Then maximize the glossy incentive trip brochure your company provides. Put one copy in a frame and set it out at your shows. Talk about this trip you are earning because of your business. Engage your guests and invite them to join you as a consultant and earn this trip with you. Get multiple incentive brochures and keep one in your date planner, one near your computer, and one in your bathroom. When you see the goal in front of you all the time, you'll do a better job of staying on track toward it.

These two simple tactics can go a long way in promoting your business opportunity. Prospects need to see the business has a lot of benefits. And, keeping it in front of yourself helps you stay focused too!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It's the "economy" excuse...

If you buy into this then you're watching too much TV, reading negative newspapers, and have bought into the media hype. It's election time and the media loves to promote negative "the sky is falling" type stories. But, if your customers are buying into this belief, then you need to be prepared.

When a customer uses this excuse there are a number of reasons:
1. Fear: they are afraid of the future, where their own finances are, and the unknown.
2. Judgement: they are making judgements about what their neighbors or friends could spend at a show.
3. It's an excuse they believe you'll accept - everyone else is right now!

Help your customers get over it by being proactive in your presentation.
Use booking commercials that address the fear of the economy...
"Ladies, I know you'll find it's easier on your budget if you start with your favorite items tonight and earn the rest free at your show."
"Some of you may be fearing your checkbook can't afford what's on your wish list and I once felt the same way until I did the math and realized how often I was replacing cheap products. A one time investment in our products will save you dollars and time down the road."

Review your benefits and you'll see that your products are economical and wise investments. Look at all the benefits you offer and there is always a reason why a customer can buy now. You have to help them find it. Will you save them time in shopping around? Will you save them dollars in a higher quality products? Will you improve self-esteem when it comes to looking for that new job in how a person will look and feel because of your products? Know your benefits.

When you still get that excuse of "the economy" ask... "If it weren't for that would you?" because this question will tell you what is really on their mind. If they say "yes," then they'll tell you their real reason for not booking or buying in which case you can address the real issue. The Booming Bookings CD covers handling objections. You'll find this Booming Bookings CD will pay for itself in the bookings you are able to gain, and keep! (Did you get that little "overcoming the cost" issue?!)

Lastly, if the economy is tough on someone, then they are a prime prospect! When you get the excuse of "the economy" as a reason why someone can't book or buy, then respond with "That is exactly why you would benefit from becoming a consultant! You'll earn money instead of spending money and be able to have more tax advantages."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quick Tip for Directors & Leaders - Power of a Post Card

Do you find yourself bogged down with making reminder calls every month to consultants to place orders so they stay active? They add volume to the bottom line, they may one day come back into business as a "real" consultant, but maybe right now they are just buying for themselves and a few friends on a hap-hazard basis. Save time by mailing out a reminder postcard. It simply states:
"A friendly reminder... You must place an order this month to maintain your consultant status." That's it - short and simple. The first week of every month, review your reports and any consultant who is on the "danger" list of losing status, send a reminder postcard.

If you can turn these wholesalers back into viable hostesses, that is the best avenue to take, in which case you can let them lose their status. However, if they are not going to go back to being a hostess and introducing you to new people, a simple reminder postcard can ensure they place orders and you gain volume.