Monday, September 14, 2009

Do Emails Get in the Way of Your Business?

Before you send an email to your prospect, hostess, or client, ask yourself “Will a phone call have better results?” Sometimes we get so accustomed to our emails that we forget that not everyone reads their emails frequently, emails don’t always reach their destination, and we’re in the people business which means talking to people!

The next question you can ask yourself is “Why do I think an email is best?” because often you’ll discover that you are making excuses for the person you are avoiding calling such as
“It’s too late to call them”
"It’ll be faster to send an email"
"I don’t want to interrupt her dinner"

It’s so easy to make an excuse, but excuses are often a way to avoid what may be a disappointment, cover up an insecurity you have, or a way to procrastinate. Knowing why you are choosing to send an email instead of making the call can help you understand what you may need to improve on. I'm betting your keyboarding skills are already well developed. Focus now on the calls. Then tell me how it goes.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ten Tips for Sales Directors & Leaders

1. Set team goals and track them.
2. Create team unity.
3. Lead by example.
4. Create a recruiting culture.
5. Promote the benefit of leadership
6. Find and promote consultants who are better than you.
7. Continually invest in your own education.
8. Stay connected to your team.
9. Live a life others want to follow.
10. Always ask "Is what I'm doing right now moving me closer to my goals?" and if it isn't, then stop and do what will.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are You Plugged In?

As a coach to direct selling leaders, I find I too benefit from the coaching calls in many ways. It’s rewarding to hear of my clients achievements, see their growth, and watch them climb the career ladder. Today I had a coaching call with a long time client of mine, Teresa Faulhaber, who shared some great insight she’s gained and thanks to her permission, I want to share it with you.

“If you’re not plugged in to your family, your spiritual life, and your business, it doesn’t work.” The more plugged in you are to the gratitude’s you have about your family relationships, your spiritual connection, and to all the blessings of your business, the easier it is to move your business ahead. When you get bogged down in one or more of those areas, the more challenging your business becomes.

My charge to you today is to get plugged in. Are there relationships in your business that aren’t where you want them to be? What else is going on in your personal life that may be contributing? Are you feeling disconnected from your faith? Think about each area of life and ask yourself

“Am I plugged in to my spiritual side?”
“Am I connected to my family the way I want to be?”
“Am I positively in my business?”

Be turned on by what’s good in life instead of what brings you down. If you’re plugged in, you can’t stay down long and you can weather any challenge that comes your way.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Single Daily Activity

What action could you take right now that would move you closer to your goals?
You have a choice everyday to act or not. By adopting the mindset that every day you will complete at least one daily activity for your business, you are much more inclined to grow vs. being haphazard in your approach.

So think about today... what can you do?
Write a thank you
Call a customer
Coach a hostess
Share the opportunity
Prepare your hostess packets
Review your company manual
Listen to a training CD or podcast

I challenge you to write out 30 SDAs so you always have ideas for working your business, even when time is tight.

What ideas would you add to the list?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

7 Elements to a High Producing Party: Part 2

4. Booking & Sponsoring Commercials – Use these frequently. Use creative commercials that refute any objection customers may have. Write them out on post-it-notes and put them in your catalog so you don’t forget to share them. If one doesn’t seem right, then simply replace it with a new one that does. Shoot for no less than 8 per party because many customers may not hear three, four, or even five reasons to book or become if they are totally engulfed in the product options.

5. Building on the Sale – When customers order what they see value in, they buy more if they see benefits to adding on the next items. Why hold a $300 or $600 party when you could be having $1000 parties? Doesn’t it make sense that with every diaper bag order you add on a burp cloth set? If she is ordering the necklace and bracelet shouldn’t she get the earrings to complete the look? If she’s ordering the soup mix, shouldn’t she get the bread mix with seasoning to have a well rounded meal? If ten people order $20 more, you’ve increased your sales by $200 and you didn’t have to do any extra work. What’s more, your clients will be so thrilled because they didn’t forget to order anything.

6. Maximize the Sales Receipt – This is where your future sales and bookings can come from. Always ask which phone number they prefer you use and when is the best time to call. Make sure their email address is legible, and that your contact information is on the receipt as well. To make these receipts effective for you later, make notes of additional favorites they want and personal notes about that person so you don’t forget who she is.

7. Closing Table – Set the stage to add on the sale, gain additional bookings, and plant the seeds for your customers to become consultants. Make the closing table private by having only two chairs available. Set the area up to ensure you will remember to offer accessories, have a picture frame of your top five hostesses party totals, your business cards, and of course, hostess and sponsorship packets.

When you focus on these elements of your party and improve your skills in each area, you’ll begin to see your sales rise, your hostesses happier, your bookings increasing, and your sponsorships will increase as well. Pick one area to focus on and master, then pick the next!