Sunday, October 4, 2009

Office Organization Tips

Caterina Rando, Nicki Keohoho and 18 other Direct Selling experts, including me, are busy working on a fabulous new book coming out in the spring called Direct Selling Power. It'll be a must have for every direct seller and a book every leader will pass out to her team!

My chapter is Office Organization. I had a limited amount of space but know you'll still want the content I had to eliminate so I'll be posting it here in the coming days. I'd hate to withhold ideas that can make a huge difference in your business!

For directors and leaders with large growing teams, here's a quick tip for you to help ensure you don't miss any important steps in adding a new consultant to your team.

New Consultant Processing Form

When a new recruit comes into your team attach a New Consultant Processing Form to her agreement. A New Consultant Processing Form is a checklist of steps for processing a new recruit including:
-> Entered into database
-> Welcome note card sent
-> Welcome phone call made
-> Link to team website or team chat rooms
-> Welcome packet sent
-> Any other steps you take can be added
With a simple checklist your assistant can help ensure all steps are completed before a new agreement is filed away.

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